You Do Not Have To Live With Diastema If You Do Not Want To

If you have had to deal with diastema, or a gap in your teeth, you may have felt singled out, or identified due to this visible characteristic. Although many people embrace their gap as a part of their looks, if yours makes you self-conscious, once you understand the cause of it, there are a couple of ways you can fix it. What Was the Cause of Diastema? Knowing the cause of your diastema will often have implications into your available options for treatment. [Read More]

4 Common Issues Fixed By Cosmetic Dentistry

If you are unhappy with your teeth, you don't have to be. There are a number of common cosmetic dental issues that can easily be fixed by a cosmetic dentist. If you suffer from one of the following conditions, think about contacting a cosmetic dentist to determine what they can do to fix up your smile and give you one that you can be proud of. Crooked or Misaligned Teeth [Read More]

Mulling Over Missing Molars? Three Reasons To Stop Putting Off Replacement Of Your Missing Teeth

When one or more adult upper or lower molars are removed due to disease or some type of damage or accident, it might seem sensible to consider foregoing restorative dentistry, because the missing tooth is not visible when speaking or smiling. Some patients justify this decision as a way to save money or as a way to avoid making room in a busy schedule to accommodate the dental procedure. However, failing to invest the time and funds required to replace an extracted molar with a dental implant or some other type of restorative option can have some serious consequences. [Read More]

2 Important Things To Know About Rheumatoid Arthritis And Your Teeth And Gums

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a painful condition to have, but it does not only affect the joints in your body. RA can also have devastating effects to your teeth and gums, which is why you will need to provide the essential care your mouth needs if you suffer from RA. Here are two important things to know about RA and the health of your teeth and gums. How RA Affects Your Mouth [Read More]