Are Your Child's Adult Teeth Coming In Very Crooked? What To Know

If your child is starting to get their adult teeth and you feel like the teeth are very crooked and crowded, you'll want to get the opinion of an adolescent orthodontist. Fixing the problems that they have now may be the best way to ensure that your child's other adult teeth come in properly, and it may be the best way to detect early problems. Make an appointment and talk with professional adolescent orthodontic services about the following things. [Read More]

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Dental Checkups

When you go in for your annual or biannual dental checkup, you may just expect to have your teeth cleaned and polished. However, you may be able to have more services performed at your checkup, along with the dental cleaning. People rarely take advantage of their dental plan's preventative care benefits, so be sure you ask about the following services. Oral Cancer Screenings Oral cancer can often spread to other parts of the body because many of its symptoms are unnoticeable until later stages. [Read More]

Sensitive To Hot Liquids? You Might Have Receded Gums

If your teeth hurt every time you drink something hot, you might have receded gums (gum recession). Gum recession occurs when the gum tissue or line around the necks of your teeth wear down and pull back. Recession generally exposes some or all of your teeth roots. Fortunately, you can treat gum recession with the right information and dental care. How Can Gum Tissue Recede? Gum recession occurs from anything that breaks down the soft tissue of your gums, including mouth trauma and gum disease. [Read More]

Did You Get Whiter Teeth For Your Wedding Pictures? 3 Strategies To Maintain Your Brighter Smile

The days leading up to your wedding are a flurry of excitement, and one of the pivotal moments is your photo shoot. Fortunately, you remembered to schedule your teeth whitening procedure before the big day, and you love knowing that your smile will be gleaming white in every photo. Now, you may be worried about losing your beautiful smile. While professional tooth whitening procedures are designed to last for awhile, your daily habits play a role in how long you maintain maximum whiteness. [Read More]