How To Choose A Kids' Dentist And Why You Should Choose Carefully

Children should start seeing a dentist regularly when they are preschoolers. It is important to choose a dentist for your children before they need to start seeing one. It is equally important that you choose carefully. Here is how to choose a child dentist and why you should choose carefully.  Choose a Dentist That Specializes in Pediatric Dentistry Yes, your kids could see your dentist, but a lot of pediatric dentists specialize in helping kids because they are very good with kids. [Read More]

3 Things To Know Before Receiving Your Dentures

If you have lost one or more teeth due to an injury or underlying dental condition, dentures are a great option for restoring your smile. Even though they are incredibly common, most people are not truly familiar with dentures until they receive them. Without proper understanding, you may feel uncertain about your new smile. Here are a few things to know before you receive and start wearing your dentures. Initial Discomfort Is Normal [Read More]

Four Options If Flossing Makes Your Gums Bleed

Every time you go to your dentist for a cleaning, you probably hear that you need to floss. And if you have problems with flossing (for example, if flossing once makes your gums bleed and leaves them sore all day), they'll probably tell you that you need to floss more, which sounds a bit counterintuitive. Here are four options to discuss with your dentist if flossing makes your gums bleed. [Read More]

Three Ways To Stretch Your Fixed Income To Include Dental Care

It's sad but true that professional dental care often falls to the wayside when a person is on a fixed income. The problem with putting off routine care is that it can result in higher costs down the road as you start losing teeth and experiencing other oral health problems. If you're working with a tight budget, here are three ways you can reduce the cost of going to the dentist and protect your teeth and gums. [Read More]