The Braces Are Coming Off! But Now What?

You made it through all those months with wires on your teeth, and now it is time for the big reveal. You finally get to see the smile that all this hard work should lead to now that the braces are coming off. While this momentous occasion is definitely one that is exciting, the new change in your mouth is bound to bring on a few questions. After all, the last thing you want to do is anything that will jeopardize that killer new smile of yours. [Read More]

Just Got Veneers? Here's How You Can Protect Them

Porcelain veneers can change the way your smile looks, and if you've recently had some installed, you might be thrilled with their appearance. Once you get used to them, you might start to worry a bit about how you can ensure the veneers remain as bright and wonderful as they looked when you first got them. With these tips, veneers can last a good number of years. Only Use Teeth For Chewing Food Items and Speaking [Read More]

3 Ways To Afford Necessary Cosmetic Dentistry

Are you tired of having teeth that are less than perfect? Would you like to have a better smile but you don't think you can afford to pay for the work? Dental work can be expensive, but it doesn't always have to be. Despite what you may have heard from friends or family, you may not have to spend a lot in order to get good dental care. There are a number of things that you can do that can make your dental bills much more affordable. [Read More]

The Trouble With Shark Teeth: Understanding What To Do If Your Child Has Them

Have you recently noticed that a second row of teeth are growing in directly behind your child's baby teeth? After noticing this situation going on in your child's mouth, you may be freaking out and wondering what you can do to fix the problem. When an adult tooth starts growing in before a baby tooth has fallen out, it is commonly referred to as a shark tooth. Although it may be a nuisance, the good news is that there is a way to solve this dental problem. [Read More]